It’s no surprise that one of my current favorite TV shows is HBO’s Game of Thrones. I’m a big fan of the sci-fi and fantasy genres, so when Game of Thrones came on TV and everyone I know was in love with it, I had a feeling I would be, too. It’s truly a show where there is “something for everyone!”
Tomorrow night is the premiere of season four, and in anticipation, I decided to do a fun little project within my 365 days of Calligraphy project – A “project within a project” if you will – a ten-day countdown to the season premiere. A Game of Thones a quote a day for ten days.
Here are the first nine:
10. “Valar Morgulis” (All men must die)
9. “You Know Nothing, Jon Snow” -Ygritte
8. “Hodor” -Hodor
7. “The night is dark and full of terrors” -Melisandre the Red Priestess
6. “I will do what queens do; I will rule.” -Daenarys Targaryen
5. “I am the sword in the darkness, I am the watcher on the walls.” -Vows of the Night’s Watch
4. “Hear me roar,” words of the House Lannister
3. “Ours is the fury,” words of the House Baratheon
2. “The man who passes the sentence shall swing the sword.” -Eddard Stark
And here is the last one, as we start the new season. I’m sharing it here first before anywhere else!
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