Author Archives: linda

Typostrate Feature


I got featured on Typostrate today! I follow them on Tumblr but had no idea they featured me until Chris sent me an email to let me know. Will somebody pinch me??

Thank you so much Typostrate for the feature – so happy to see calligraphy being highlighted as well as typography and lettering! Much much appreciated!

Featured on Betype!

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Eeeeeeeep! Eeeeeeeep! Eeeeeeeep! Eeeeeeeep!

A few of my 365 days lettering pieces got featured on Betype!


It’s almost better than winning the lottery. ^___^

So honored and so thrilled. Thanks so much for the feature, Byron!

Calligraphy Game of Thrones


It’s no surprise that one of my current favorite TV shows is HBO’s Game of Thrones. I’m a big fan of the sci-fi and fantasy genres, so when Game of Thrones came on TV and everyone I know was in love with it, I had a feeling I would be, too. It’s truly a show where there is “something for everyone!”

Tomorrow night is the premiere of season four, and in anticipation, I decided to do a fun little project within my 365 days of Calligraphy project – A “project within a project” if you will – a ten-day countdown to the season premiere. A Game of Thones a quote a day for ten days.

Here are the first nine:

10. “Valar Morgulis” (All men must die)
9. “You Know Nothing, Jon Snow” -Ygritte
8. “Hodor” -Hodor
7. “The night is dark and full of terrors” -Melisandre the Red Priestess
6. “I will do what queens do; I will rule.” -Daenarys Targaryen
5. “I am the sword in the darkness, I am the watcher on the walls.” -Vows of the Night’s Watch
4. “Hear me roar,” words of the House Lannister
3. “Ours is the fury,” words of the House Baratheon
2. “The man who passes the sentence shall swing the sword.” -Eddard Stark

And here is the last one, as we start the new season. I’m sharing it here first before anywhere else!

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Inspired by Pet Sounds


I was listening to The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds tonight and was inspired by the song “I Just Wasn’t Made for These Times.” Such a wonderful, fitting song. I think quite a few calligraphers like myself must feel the same, wishing we can get into a time machine and travel back to the Golden Age of Penmanship!

I haven’t really done much watercolor before this – I think the last time I did was in high school, and I wasn’t very good. Years later, after using a brush to write letterforms, I’m finally starting to feel more comfortable painting with it. Now I can say it’s fun rather than frustrating. Why oh why am I always a late bloomer? ;)

I guess I just wasn’t made for these times.

Blackletter: Textura to Fraktur


Photo by my teacher

Re-posting the photo from my teacher. See how much fun we have in calligraphy class? :)

The last class of Blackletter was this week. I learned a lot and really enjoyed this age-old letterform! It took me a while to “warm up” to Gothic. I found Textura really difficult because it is so structured, but I incorporated it into a fun Halloween project. Once we started moving to Fraktur, I started to like Blackletter more and more. Around Thanksgiving, it began to feel more comfortable and I was able to see some progress.

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2014 Year of Lettering


I am so excited to have committed myself to the “2014 Year of Letting,” inspired by Kelly Cummings’ 2013 Year of Lettering on Tumblr. I followed her on Instagram all last year and looked forward to her lettering posts daily. With the start of 2014, I thought to myself: since I already do lettering nearly every day, it would probably be fun to start my own 2014 Year of Lettering!

And so here we are. Day twelve and still going. I’ve tried a few “photo-a-day” projects in the past but never seemed to continue for more than a week, so I’m pretty happy with having done twelve days so far. Subject of each lettering is completely random, depending on what I’m watching on TV, what I’m reading online, what I’m listening to on Pandora on my drive to/from work.

If you’d like to see my progress, feel free to pop over to my Facebook album. I really hope this will continue for a full year!