Author Archives: linda

Table Number Three

Table Number Sample

I had fun working on some samples for table numbers recently. I loved how the white ink looks on a slightly textured dark paper!

Table Number Sample

It looks sweet next to my kokeshi doll collection. I think this would make a great table centerpiece for a vintage-style, Asian-themed wedding!

Paper: Strathmore Art Paper
Ink: Dr. Ph. Martin’s Pen White
Nib: Brause EF66

Heartfelt Thanks

Heartfelt Thanks

I had the pleasure of working with four lovely brides recently: Katie C, Heather M, Erin S, and Beth H. I had such fun addressing their invitation envelopes and learned a great deal with each project.

It always makes me smile to think these envelopes sharing news of love, joy and happiness are going out all over the world to celebrate these couples coming together to begin brand new lives together. Some are going as far as France, Brazil, Wales, and Serbia! 

I seal each package with my heartfelt thanks and very best wishes for a wonderful special day.

Stamped, Etched and Engraved


I am so thrilled to see my first stamp! Well, I’ve made custom stamps before, but this was the first time using my own calligraphy. It was so much fun and I want to make a bunch of these!

One of the brides I am currently working with asked me to create a design of a return address stamp for her, so she can use them on her RSVP cards. What a great idea!

After making her design, I decided to try a few for myself, and this is one that I had made. The stamp is laser-engraved in high-quality red rubber so it will last for years. The handles are beautifully made of North American native woods. So the whole stamp is made in the USA from start to finish, woot! :)

I am really happy with how they turned out and I look forward to creating more stamp designs. I also made one as a house-warming gift for my brother-in-law and his wife. I hope they will like it!

i carry your heart

Commission - poem by e.e. cummings

Commission – poem by e.e. cummings

A recent commission for a friend, and one of my favorite projects to date, a wonderful love poem by e.e. cummings. It was written in casual copperplate style, with custom-mixed gouache in charcoal gray (note to self: a little Ivory Black goes a LONG way!) and written on 8″x 10″ French watercolor paper.

Written in 1952, the poem is truly timeless and gives me shivers every time I read it. And I had to write it quite a few times for practice before I penned the final copy. Such restrained passion, and so beautifully written. I paid special attention to the line breaks because they are what make the poem so unique and so wonderful.

The finished piece will be framed and hung on a gallery wall among family portraits. I truly feel honored to have been asked to write such a special piece to be included!

I Hear A Song

I know quite a few people who prefer absolute silence when they work. I happen to like music when I work, and calligraphy is no exception. I listen to Spotify, Pandora., or my iTunes library, whatever strikes my fancy. Music is a big part of my life and I can’t imagine being without it! My husband and I have a substantial CD collection (3000+) that we’ve digitized, and we also have a small LP library thanks to our frequent visits to local flea markets and thrift stores.

Sometimes I’d stop what I’m doing and listen to the words and melody because they are just so wonderful. This song stopped me today and I had to put it on loop.


Lovely words by Bill Callahan of Smog. Give it a listen.