Tag Archives: floral

Sweet Violet

Finally got some time to finish up and trim my violet piece, which will be available as part of the Art Mosaic auction at Letters California Style 2018 (Feb. 16-19) in less than three weeks! The proceeds will go to Society for Calligraphy. I had so much fun working on this piece and I hope it will go to a good home.

This was a really fun project – the theme of the Art Mosaic auction this year is “Flora, Fauna, and Letters,” and while I was doing research, I came across the fact that February’s birth flower is the violet. I figured it would be perfect for Letters California Style which will be in mid-February.

Materials used: Watercolor, gouache, and walnut ink on 140 lb Arches hot press, using sz 0 brush, pointed pen and .75mm broadedge nib. Size: 8″x 8″.