Tag Archives: interview

Letter-writing and getting out the vote

I was recently interviewed via email by Tanya Basu of MIT Technology Review for a story on letter-writing during the lockdown and about the upcoming election. The article is wonderful, and I really hope it will inspire others to pick up their pens, paper and smartphones to get the vote out!

Like what happens with most published stories, I thoughtfully wrote my response, but only a sentence was used. I figured it would be good to share my entire Q&A here anyway for those who are interested.

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Q&A with Joy Deneen for Rendez-vous 2019

I’m not much of a “being in the spotlight” type of person, but I sure talked a lot about how much I love calligraphy and attending conferences in this Q&A!  Thanks to Joy for reaching put and Vichana for the ASOH photos. I look forward to seeing all my calligra-friends and teachers at Rendez-vous 2019!

Read the Q&A here: https://rendezvouscalligraphy.org/en/blog/why-i-attend-the-international-calligraphy-conference

Calligraphy on Instagram



What a way to start the weekend. Thanks to Alexandra Lange for writing a wonderful article about calligraphers on Instagram and including a few of my thoughts as well. The article: The Calligraphy Stars of Instagram.

She also shared insights from Seb Lester, John Stevens, Faust New York, and showed work by Gail Madalag and Artem Stepanov, all calligraphy heroes of mine.

I am humbled and thrilled to be mentioned and quoted in the article, since I’m just a student and nowhere near as skilled as any of the calligraphers in the article. But I do love Instagram and how it connects people who love calligraphy from all over the world. Hooray for calligraphy!