I know I am not alone when I say that recent news have left me feeling sad and hopeless. But we must keep trying, because we must have hope, for there are so many things to fight for. We obviously cannot fight for all, so we must pick and choose our own battles.
I choose to fight for our wilderness, our national parks, and our environment.
After hearing about the rogue national park rangers in the news, I got inspired to follow them as well as alt-NASA on Twitter. I have always been a liberal, and have always voted. But this time, voting was not enough. Following the rogue scientists’ lead, I decided to write all 42 members of the House Committee on Natural Resources, urging them to protect our wilderness, protect our public lands and national parks.
25 Republicans and 17 Democrats. From coast to coast, all going to hear from me, and getting a John Muir quote. This is how a calligrapher resists.