Author Archives: linda

A Quickstart Guide to Calligraphy


Let’s get started!

I often get asked on Instagram/Tumblr/Twitter/Facebook about how to get started in calligraphy, and I’m always so happy to hear that! After answering a few messages, I thought it’d be helpful to just put together a “quickstart” guide for anyone who’s thinking of trying calligraphy but not sure where to start.

First of all, you’ll need to decide which type of calligraphy you’d like to try. Different styles require different supplies. A script is also referred to as a “hand,” but please don’t call them fonts! Fonts are for typesetting on the printing press or on the computer, and we are not learning fonts but beautiful scripts, or hands.


Blackletter – written in Fraktur, using a Pilot Parallel 3.8mm pen and walnut ink

If you’d like to learn Gothic/Blackletter, Roman Capitals, Foundational Hand, Italic Hand – you’d want to use a broad-edge pen (using a nib that’s shaped like a chisel). Your best bet is a Pilot Parallel Pen to start (I recommend the 3.8mm), and if you’re more serious about it, a straight pen holder and a set of Manuscript nibs.

Books I’d recommend: Sheila Waters’ Foundations of Calligraphy. Sheila Waters is a master calligrapher and her book has very thorough step-by-step instructions on the most popular broad pen scripts. I also really like Calligraphy: A Complete Guide by Julien Chazal, and Contemporary Calligraphy by Gillian Hazeldine. These books have everything you need to know to get started: choosing quality tools, understanding the structure of letters, and learning the basic strokes.

If you’re interested in pointed pen calligraphy (using a pointed, flexible nib – which is the majority of what I do), there are two styles that are generally referred to – modern calligraphy and traditional calligraphy.


My modern calligraphy script. Dr. Ph. Martin’s Bleedproof White ink, oblique penholder made by Michael Sull, Zebra G nib.

Modern calligraphy doesn’t really have a set of rules – you’re basically taking the pointed pen and making it into your own style of handwriting that looks fancy. You use a Straight Pen Holder (it also comes in pretty Sapphire and Garnet colors!) and a pointed nib (I recommend Nikko G for the beginner), and the best beginner’s ink in my opinion is Higgins Eternal Black Ink. Paper to use – Rhodia Grid Pad or Dot Pad, and if you’re like me who also loves going to craft stores – Michael’s Arts & Crafts has Canson Marker Pads (9”x12”) that I stock up on when I get their 40% off coupons. It’s semi-translucent so you can slip a sheet of line paper (guide sheet) underneath.

Book I’d recommend: Molly Suber-Thorpe’s Modern Calligraphy: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started in Script Calligraphy. There are also many classes and workshops available online via Skillshare, as well as Melissa Esplin’s I Still Love Calligraphy class.

Traditional pointed pen calligraphy is what I love the most. The most referred to scripts are Copperplate and Spencerian. They require an oblique pen holder which offsets the nib to the side to help achieve a 52- to 55-degree slant that makes the letterforms so beautiful and elegant. Both Copperplate and Spencerian are very different, and have rules you must follow. It will be frustrating for a beginner at first, but who said calligraphy was easy? :)

For a beginner, I’d recommend a Speedball Oblique Pen Holder. Nib/Ink/Paper are same as above.

Books I’d recommend for Copperplate: Eleanor Winters’ Mastering Copperplate Calligraphy: A Step-by-Step ManualDick Jackson‘s Copperplate Calligraphy, and Gordon Turner’s The Technique of Copperplate Calligraphy.


Cole Porter lyrics in Copperplate. Bleedproof White ink, vintage Hunt 22 nib in a Jake Weidemann oblique pen holder.

For Spencerian Script, which is American in origin, and more based on handwriting: Master Penman Michael Sull‘s “Learning to write Spencerian script.” I love the combination of simplicity and grandeur in Spencerian, with its nature-inspired shapes and letterforms.


Basic Spencerian script. Bleedproof White, Zebra G nib, aluminium oblique holder made by Artem Scribendi on Instagram.

Another wonderful book which covers both broad pen and pointed pen scripts is Mastering Calligraphy: The Complete Guide to Hand Lettering by Gaye Godfrey-Nicholls. It not only has instructions that cover the basics of many of the most populuar calligraphy scripts, it also has biographies and works of many well-known calligraphers throughout the world. My calligraphy teacher is in it! :)

Most the supplies/books mentioned above can be found at Amazon (links provided above), Paper & Ink Arts or John Neal Bookseller.

I also recommend visiting the Flourish Forum to join a great online community of calligraphers new and seasoned to share tips, ideas and inspirations.

Last but not least, if you try calligraphy and absolutely LOVE it and can’t imagine a day without it, join your local calligraphy guild!! I cannot stress enough how much the Society for Calligraphy has helped me get started and gave me the opportunity to take classes from world-class calligraphers. Just Google “calligraphy guild [your city]” and see what comes up! Calligraphers are some of the most generous, welcoming, and awesome people I know.

Happy writing!

Beth and Peter, November 2014

Photo courtesy of Beth O'Leary. Photo credit: Nicole Chan Photography

Photo courtesy of Beth O’Leary. Photo credit: Nicole Chan Photography

Today is the day after Thanksgiving, and I am so very thankful for amazing clients. I worked with Beth on her invitation envelopes and place cards for her November wedding. She was so sweet and thoughtful to share photos from her wedding with me this morning and totally made my day! The photos look so wonderful I couldn’t believe I was looking at my own work!

I used Schmincke’s Designer gouache in Gold Pearl on place cards from Paper Source, and Sumi ink on William Arthur envelopes lined with burgundy. Both written in Emily script.

Photo courtesy of Beth, photographer: Nicole Chan Photography

Photo courtesy of Beth, photographer: Nicole Chan Photography

Thank you again Beth for sharing photos with me – it was an honor to work with you!

Jessica and Nathan, July 2014

It was almost a year ago in November 2013, when I was contacted by Pamela to inquire about addressing envelopes for her daughter Jessica’s wedding. She wanted a casual script for the Save-the-Dates, and a formal style script for the wedding invites. Of course I was more than happy to work with Pamela and Jessica to add a personal touch to set the mood for a special day!

I documented the progress on Instagram as I went along.

The Save-The-Dates. A casual script, using custom-mixed gray gouache for a softer look.

The Save-The-Dates. A casual script, using custom-mixed gray gouache for a softer look.

The invites were addressed in a more formal and classy style, also in a soft gray.

The invites were addressed in a more formal and classy style, also in a soft gray.

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Print is Beautiful


I am beyond thrilled to share the news that my work will be published in the upcoming issue of UPPERCASE Magazine!

From Janine Vangool, publisher / editor / designer of UPPERCASE:

Issue #23 contains a special calligraphy and lettering section featuring Seb Lester (our cover calligrapher), master penman Jake Weidmann and profiles of Joy Deneen, Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls, Erica McPhee, Barbara Calzolari, Neil Tasker, Pietro Piscitelli and Molly Jacques.

So very honored to contribute to this special issue which features so many of my calligraphy heroes. I have a small spotlight among other calligraphers who also submitted their work for this issue.

There’s a low res digital preview of issue 23 posted here. I also did some promo lettering for UPPERCASE which you can see in the video link above.

Be curious, be creative and be inspired – subscribe to UPPERCASE.

One Oval At A Time


I’m getting ready for Master Penman Harvest Crittenden’s online Spencerian class starting in a few days.

I have to say although it may *look* easy, this oval drill is pretty tough. The goal, according to Master C.P. Zaner’s Lessons in Ornamental Penmanship, is to have all the ovals in uniform slant, height, and spacing.

Obviously I have a long way to go – but it can only get better from here!

Bee’s Knees


I have been active on Instagram (IG) for the past two years or so, and in the past year I have made so many like-minded friends who are just as enthusiastic (if not more) as I am about calligraphy!

Heber is one of the calligraphers I met on IG. Not only is he an excellent calligrapher and designer, he is also a skilled artisan. He has been hard at work making adjustable flanges by hand. When he decided to share his work, I sent the above beloved penholders to him and he gave new life to them by adding adjustable flanges! Now I feel like I just got three new penholders.

Thank you Heebs, you’re the bee’s knees!


Roman Capitals with Alisara Tareekes


Many calligraphers, whether seasoned or just starting out, will agree that Roman Capitals is one of the most beautiful yet difficult hands to master. Its beauty is in its simplicity of form and structure, yet understanding the form and structure and applying them skillfully can take years of mindful practice.

One of the mini classes offered at Letters California Style 2014, “Hacking Roman Capitals: Defeat the divine proportion and rule the flat brush” taught by Alisara Tareekes, explores a new way of learning Roman Capitals by using a special template that she has developed.



Alisara started the class with a brief introduction of the history of Roman Capitals and also showed us a large sheet of rubbing from the Trajan’s Column (113 AD) where some of the finest examples of Roman Capitals were chiseled into its base. Alisara’s template consists of the same proportions, using die-cut straight and curved lines that make up all 26 alphabets. Each alphabet will be 6” tall. Using Alisara’s handout as a reference, we followed the template to lay down light pencil lines on a large sheet of rice paper. We then took a ¾” flat brush and followed the pencil lines to construct each letter in watercolor. Alisara recommended David Harris’ The Art of Calligraphy: A Practical Guide to the Skills and Techniques for its thorough yet concise brush-lettering instructions for each letter, and walked around giving each of us individual attention.



The class concluded on a high note, with very nice Roman Capital samples we created to take home on a rice paper scroll! With Alisara’s wonderful template, Roman Capitals now seem a little less daunting and perhaps one day, I too will become a Roman (Capitals) conqueror.

[This class recap was published in the 2014 issue of Calligraph journal, published by the Society for Calligraphy.]

Waking Light


Here I go being a music geek again. I’ve had Beck’s latest album Morning Phase for a while now, and it continues to blow me away with every listen from beginning to end. Do most people still listen to an album from start to finish?!

Waking Light” is the last track on the album and it’s just so beautiful and powerful that inspired me to write down the chorus.

Gold gouache on navy archival cardstock.