Tag Archives: music

Waking Light


Here I go being a music geek again. I’ve had Beck’s latest album Morning Phase for a while now, and it continues to blow me away with every listen from beginning to end. Do most people still listen to an album from start to finish?!

Waking Light” is the last track on the album and it’s just so beautiful and powerful that inspired me to write down the chorus.

Gold gouache on navy archival cardstock.

Inspired by Lyrics


Maybe I’m Amazed,” one of my favorite McCartney songs.

Everyone who knows me know that I am a huge music fan. I’m especially fond of beautiful melodies with lyrics that I can really identify with. Sure, I enjoy happy music like everyone else, but songs of introspection, sadness, longing, and loss always make me stop and listen.

Inspired by the word of a few lettering artists on Tumblr, I started setting lyrics to calligraphy and lettering as practice and have been getting so much positive feedback when I shared them on Instagram and Tumblr. I’m so thankful to everyone who has been supportive with their “likes” and comments.

Here are a few more from my notebook:

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